We can help you with unauthorized parking at your residence and other private matters…

Private property solutions. We know the law when it comes to abandoned or simply unauthorized vehicles parked on your premises. Call Las Vegas Towing to rid yourself of these intruders.

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1. We will remove illegally parked vehicles from your private property at no cost to you. We want to maintain the safety and security of your business. If this is a recurring problem with your property, we will create a program to specifically fit your needs. These programs are at no cost to you!

  • We can do a daily drive-by to check on the security of your property and tow any unauthorized vehicles.
  • We will supply you with ‘Tow Away’ signs for your property.
  • We help you attain Parking Permits, so we are clear on which vehicles are authorized for your property.
  • We supply Violation or Warning stickers.
  • We will notify the authorities for you.

2. Our towing service is available and active twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred sixty-five days a year. There is no rest for the criminals! Our goal is to provide your property with consistent well-being and to be void of any abandoned vehicles.

3. Flexibility. We will work with your schedule. If you find that unauthorized or abandoned vehicles tend to appear at midnight or don’t appear until early morning, we will adapt our security accordingly.

4. Signs and permits. To reiterate, all of our Private Property services are at no cost to you. We will provide all the signs to detail your privacy needs. We will also supply all the warning notices to illegally parked vehicles. The warning will clearly state that the owner must see the manager or property owner and we will provide you with the list of license plates and space numbers that have been violated.

5. Drive-Thru Security. Not only will we send a truck to drive through your property daily, we will advise you of any suspicious activity or eyesores we may find. Once again, this is a free service we provide.

Our Tow Trucks Tow:

(702) 930-8804